The number one Podcast for Overcoming Pornography:

Bonus - Changing the Narrative around pornography - interview with Heather Rackham May 11, 2022

Overcome Pornography: Changing the Narrative around pornography - interview with Heather Rackham

  *NOTE - This is a transcript of our conversation and may be more difficult to follow than the interview. 

Hey everybody on Monday, I said in the podcast that I was going to offer a bonus episode of the conversation that I had with the LDS life coaches. And here it is, I've got it...

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Episode 140 - Families Are Being Torn Apart By Pornography Use May 09, 2022

 *NOTE - This is a transcript of our conversation and may be more difficult to follow than the interview. 


So, we got an email about a podcast we did and I'm going to actually release the entire podcast as a bonus on Wednesday so you can listen to it. 

We did an interview with Heather Rackum at The LDS Life Coaches Podcast and it was a fantastic. I thought it was that...

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Episode 139: Thought Control Isn't As Helpful at Overcoming Pornography May 02, 2022


Overcoming pornography isn’t just pushing a new thought into your mind to supersede the thoughts that have naturally occurred.  

I think we’ve all heard the analogy of the stage of your mind and how we can become totally free from the plague of our unwanted thoughts by just changing what’s on the stage.  

While I think this is a worthy attempt to...

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Episode 138: 3 Keys to Using Prayer to Overcome Pornography Apr 24, 2022


I’d like to take you back to General Conference a few weeks back. I loved listening to President Nelson as he spoke about how to keep spiritual momentum. 

If you don’t recall the talk, he offered 5 ways to Maintain positive spiritual momentum. 

The five were

  1. Get on the covenant path and stay there.
  2. Discover the joy of daily repentance.
  3. Learn about God and how He...
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Episode 137: Being a Forever Porn Addict Is Exhausting Apr 24, 2022


I was working with a client this week and he said something that really struck me.  

He said the work that we had been doing made him think that he was less depressed, more hopeful, and no longer part of the addict class.

This got me thinking. 

When I was attending 12-step meetings and saying, “Hi, my name is Zach and I’m a porn addict” the message of...

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Episode 136: 9 Costs of Overcoming Pornography Apr 11, 2022


Hey, this month we are doing a webinar for those who want help overcoming pornography 


If you’re listening to this podcast and like what you hear, take the next step and come to our webinar on april 20th at 730 mt, there’s a link in the show notes or you can go to


The seed for today’s podcast came from a post by a guy named...

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Episode 135: What is pornography addiction? Apr 04, 2022

 What is pornography addiction?

 When I was growing up and as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints anyone who views pornography is essentially labeled as a pornography addict.  

 I’ve talked about my experience with the Addiction Recovery Program or ARP that I attended in both Wisconsin and California. I have talked about why I don’t...

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EPISODE 134 - The Power to Never View Pornography Again Mar 27, 2022


During a coaching session this week my client and I were discussing agency and how language matters in the way that we perceive our struggles and engage with our trials.  

As we were talking about pornography we were going over the different ways that we deal with other things that we abstain from.  In particular, beer. 

I think i’ve talked about this on the...

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EPISODE 133 - Telling Your Partner About Your Pornography Struggle Mar 20, 2022


Real quick, before we get too far, I have a free masterclass for anyone who wants to overcome pornography forever.

Here you’ll learn how you can overcome pornography forever.

 I want to talk about why it may be that you are not telling your partner about your pornography struggle.  

 You may be one who always tells...

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EPISODE 132: Overcoming Pornography Doesn't Mean Getting Rid of Everything Mar 13, 2022

If you’re anything like me, in your quest to eliminate pornography, you probably have tried to eliminate everything. 

You might have gotten rid of your phone, blocked all the apps, given over your access code to someone else, tried avoiding certain shops at the mall, not gone to the beach.  Those are the physical things. 

Mentally and emotionally, you might have tried to...

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EPISODE 131: Choice Point To Overcome Pornography Mar 04, 2022

Artwork for podcast Overcome Pornography: The Self Mastery Podcast

The Self Mastery Podcast is dedicated to helping Latter-day Saints overcome pornography. Men and women struggle with overcoming pornography.
This podcast draws on the real-life experiences of the hosts, Zach and Darcy in their struggle to overcome pornography, strengthen their marriage, and grow personally.
If you want to know what real success looks like in overcoming pornography from...

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EPISODE 130: Overcoming Pornography through Differentiation - Series 5 of 5 Feb 27, 2022

Artwork for podcast Overcome Pornography: The Self Mastery Podcast

The Self Mastery Podcast is dedicated to helping Latter-day Saints overcome pornography. Men and women struggle with overcoming pornography.
This podcast draws on the real-life experiences of the hosts, Zach and Darcy in their struggle to overcome pornography, strengthen their marriage, and grow personally.
If you want to know what real success looks like in overcoming pornography from...

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