Ready to start fresh, build back better, and enjoy each other again? You have come to the right place!
Start doing what works instead of what you've always done.
- Make Porn a thing of the past.
- Communicate effectively.
- Trust each other and be trustworthy.
- Create the deep, intimate connection you desire.
- Make changes, regardless of what your spouse chooses.
You can thrive, together. You just need the right tools.
That's what you'll get in this free training.
Men - Ready to quit porn and get your marriage back? You have come to the right place!
Start doing what works instead of what you've always done.
- How to stop choosing porn.
- How to heal the relationship with your spouse.
- No more white-knuckling and distraction.
- How to support your spouse through the struggle so that each of you can be ok.
You can overcome porn and NEVER go back! You just need the right tools.
That's what you'll get in this free training.
Women - Ready to stop the emotional rollercoaster and your marriage back? You have come to the right place!
Start doing what works instead of what you've always done.
- How to stop letting porn control your life.
- How to heal yourself.
- No more losing control when talking about porn.
- How to not get so emotional or distraught when your spouse chooses porn.
- How to support your spouse through the struggle so that each of you can heal.
You can create the marriage you deserve where porn no longer hurts you. You just need the right tools.
That's what you'll get in this free training.
What Clients Are Saying:
Wow, the work that I've done with you has been tremendous. It's helped shift my focus not only in this realm of my life but every realm of my life. It's helped in understanding my values and who I was. It's helped me overcome my pornography problems and its been 7 months now. It's been great and when urges come it's actually been relatively easy to overcome them. I'm able to work through them and let the thought pass. - Mason
The Only Program That Combines Scientifically Proven Methods Combined With Experienced Coaches Who Have Done The Work Themselves and Can Guide You to The Thriving, Porn Free Life You Deserve.
You've probably spoken to or worked with others who've never done this work themselves. Now you can have the benefit of experienced guides, who know what you're going through and can guide you every step of the way. Combine the benefit of ACT (acceptance and commitment training/acceptance and commitment therapy) with real world experience for both spouses.

Does this sound like you?
- You worry that this will always be a struggle because you have tried for so long to quit, and nothing has worked permanently.
- If you don't solve this, you are scared of what might happen to your marriage/relationship.
- You feel broken and like there must be something wrong with you or your spouse.
- You struggle with feeling worthy and like you are enough.
- You worry that you will never be able to live up to the person your spouse desires.
- You want to support your spouse in the best way possible, but you don't know how.
- You feel like you and your spouse are on a different team fighting against each other.
- You have been able to quit porn for brief periods of time, but it always comes back. You have felt alone and hopeless.
Know this:
We used to believe these things were true and we don't anymore! The GOOD NEWS IS you don't have to believe these things for much longer.
What you've done in the past isn't working because it was about shame, willpower, and worthiness. Learning how to quit porn requires a specific set of skills that is different from anything you have been taught growing up.
When you work with someone who's overcome porn for themselves, you'll learn actual skills to STOP the unhelpful coping habit of viewing pornography.
What Clients are saying:
Working with you and Darcy has changed our entire relationship. I struggled with pornography for 15 years and Amber was really struggling to feel loved after finding out about how I had hidden it during our ten years of marriage. You taught me more than just how to quit porn, it was really the part of becoming trustworthy regardless that made the difference for me. For my wife, her work with Darcy gave her a whole new perspective. She healed and learned how to talk about everything without making it a fight. Everything changed after that session last week where she saw, for the first time, how she had been a victim and how she didn't want to be that anymore. - Tyler and Amber
Mike is a different man. He struggled with porn addiction for our whole marriage. Every time he slipped his confidence plummeted. He would take a week to recover and even then would only just say he was always going to have to fight this. We started working with you after an episode in December where I thought I would lose him. I learned so much about how I can help from just a couple of sessions with you. As Mike worked with Zach, it was easy to see the shift. Now, even if there is an issue, we deal with it together and there's no spiral. We can't thank you enough! - Carol
Hey, we're the Spaffords!
Darcy and I are experts in helping men overcome pornography and women heal. We did this work ourselves!
We've helped hundreds of men overcome pornography and couples re-build their marriages and helped thousands through our top rated podcast Thrive Beyond Pornography.
You don't need to feel like you'll be addicted to porn your whole life. You can learn tools and skills that will diminish your desire for porn, help you move toward your values, and be trustworthy.
Couples who work together on this meaningful struggle are ten times as likely to beat it as those who just send their husband off to solve the problem alone.
Wives who do the work of healing are happier in their marriage and intimacy grows because they are able to feel the freedom they want to engage their relationship.