EPISODE 75: Conceive, Believe, Achieve

Feb 14, 2021

Artwork for podcast Overcome Pornography: The Self Mastery Podcast


New lives begins at conception. 


Nothing I’ve ever done in my life that has been worth it was an accident. 


Yet so many of us believe that we can just fall into a life where pornography no longer has a hold on us. 


One of the most important things that a man or woman who is using pornography to escape can do is just begin to think about what their life will be like without pornography. 


This new conception of the life they want is a simple, impactful stepping stone to becoming that person. 


Once that life begins to formulate in your mind, only then will you have the capacity to believe in it. 


Belief in this new idea of who you are won’t be easy at first.  


You’ll need to practice it, play with it in your mind, and work to integrate that belief in who you are into the subtle soul of your identity. 


As you believe in you, believe in your new vision, the concept of a person who doesn’t spend their time viewing pornography, you’ll begin to start achieving it. 


Many people make the mistake of thinking that achieving will lead to belief, but that is the wrong way around. 


You know this if you’ve ever watched someone accomplish a dream that only they could understand and see. 


Achievement comes after the idea is formed and the belief is solidified. 


Start thinking today about what your life looks like when pornography is no longer part of it.    


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